Internet TV and Google TV, Will Success Be Linked to Android Development - Technology

Analogue not Digital, Glass Tube not Flat Screen.The early 'internet' TV used in the UK was not digital, it was analogue, however this was not a factor in its lack of success. It worked well as an 'internet TV' and the picture was perfectly acceptable and as good as any at that time (pre LCD screens). As mentioned, it only received an analogue signal, but this was not a factor, because at that time, all UK TV's were analogue andhad fewer channels. There were only around 5 TV 'stations' (BBC1, BBC2, ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5); this lack of choice should have made it more successful; the phrase 'nothing worth watching on the tele' was not uncommon, and so the internet could have been browsed instead.

Portable, Read and Send Emails, Surf The WebThis UK Internet TV worked well, because most computer monitors were only the size of a portable TV, the size of the screen was not a factor in its lack of success. It did 'what was claimed' - it could search the internet, browse web pages, send and receive emails. Its size was ideal for a kitchen, study or bedroom, if used in the latter, e.mails could be read while lying in bed, using the qwerty keyboard.

Google TV Launch Unsuccessful When 'returns' of Google TV's (typically set top boxes) exceeded the number of new sales, prices were drastically reduced. It was evident that they were not the success they were expected to be, they lacked innovative android apps and shared too much in common with the first internet TV's.Early mobile phones were both functional and extremely useful, however it was the introduction of numerous android apps that has made today's smart phone so successful. There is 'an app for everything'. It is less of a phone and more of a smart mobile internet device. Innovative 'app developers' are primarily responsible for its success.

Small Screen and Portability Should Have Worked in Its FavourWhilst family members could watch the main TV (and argue about which program to watch), anyone could take the internet TV to their room and surf the web - without disturbing the rest of the family. This may not be so easy with Google TV, but it can be predicted that in the future, wifi Google TV's will be common in bedrooms.

Success of Google TV Linked to Android Development A major reason why the old internet TV failed was that it was just as easy to use a computer in a bedroom, search the web and read e.mails, while watching the portable TV. This also applies to Google TV, it is just as easy to surf the internet, use social networking, read e.mails etc., using a wireless laptop or tablet - whilst watching television at the same time. There are plenty of videos available from cable, satellite or even DVD's from the local 'video shop', and so getting free movies is not a good reason to pay a premium price for a Google TVFilms can be downloaded to a computer and a HDMI lead can be used. If someone wants to use the computer, then they can use a laptop - or vice versa.Android Development is directly responsible for the success of smart phones, tablets and other android devices'. The same will apply to Google TV, especially if the app developers have extensive experience in broadcast TV.

ConclusionWhilst the first Google TV's were not exactly the success hoped for, some of the best android developers have not yet startedwriting apps for Google TV. One reason for this is that the UK launch is only in early 2012. Companies like having tremendous experience in broadcast technology, android development, compilers and with the ability to fully integrate broadcast into coded Google TV apps, are reluctant to start developing android apps until after the UK launch. App development is initiated by the customer, there is no incentive to write apps in anticipation of a commission. With the adappt compiler, apps will move from customer spec to completion in record time.

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